Health and Wellness
The Wheeler School’s Health & Wellness Department provides care for students during the school day on the Providence and Farm campus. The team includes four-and-a-half pediatric nurse specialists, three child and adolescent counselors, a part-time health educator, and an athletic trainer. Drawing on their experience, interdisciplinary approach, and collective connections to an extraordinary array of health agencies, resources, and practitioners in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, our staff collaborates with families and works closely with faculty to provide physical and behavioral health care in a vibrant community setting.
Health Education and Promotion
In addition to providing physical and behavioral health care in the Health Center, Health & Wellness team members are in classrooms providing preventative education on a broad range of topics. Students learn how to care for their bodies and gain knowledge about social-emotional skills (SEL) to support their health and well-being. The holistic care model supports our students as they participate, learn, and grow at Wheeler.
Sports Wellness
Wheeler has a “First Team” ranking and a “Safe Sports School” award from the National Athletic Trainers Association, symbolizing our school’s commitment to providing the best level of care, injury prevention, and treatment. Wheeler is one of the few area schools with a full-time, on-site athletic trainer. The athletic department is also committed to each student’s well-being through sports, health education, and a collaborative partnership with the health and wellness time.
Hours and Location
The Health Center, located in Madden Gymnasium on our Providence campus, is open and staffed by two nurses from 7:30am-5:30pm on school days. It includes the nursing office space and a comfortable resting area for students, as well as separate care rooms. The school counselors also have office space within the Health Center, and they are on campus during the school day. The farm nurse is located at the Health Center at our Seekonk campus during the school day. The athletic trainer is at the Providence campus from 10:30am-2pm and then at the Van Norman Field House at Wheeler Farm for other school sports.
If you have any questions, please contact the Health & Wellness team at healthcenter@wheelerschool.org
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