New Art Catalog Released of Mary Wheeler’s Paintings
October 6, 2020
While the pandemic canceled a long-awaited art installation celebrating the centennial of Mary Wheeler’s Memorial Art Exhibit at the Providence Art Club last May, the catalog for the exhibit has been published and is now available to the Wheeler community and public. “Of Secrets Known in Solitude — Drawings of Mary Colman Wheeler, 1882-1920” is 36-pages of beautiful works of art by the Wheeler founder, with information and photographs from the School’s Archives and other sources, not previously seen by the public. The book is a companion to the 2017 catalog “An American In Paris — Drawings of Mary Colman Wheeler, 1877-1882.” The catalogs are $22 each or a bundle of both catalogs for $32. Faculty and staff of Wheeler can purchase the catalogs at a discounted price of $10 each or $20 for the pair. The catalogs are written by the Mary Wheeler Archivist Robert Martin, Head of the Wheeler Visual Arts Department. Please visit our website to see a recorded presentation by Martin about Mary Wheeler’s life and work as an artist, as well as a selection of her artwork.